Publikationen der DHBW Karlsruhe

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  • 2009

  • Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel : Open Educational Resources. Guest Editor. Brüssel. In: eLearning Papers (17)

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  • Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel (2009): Understanding Quality Culture. In: International Journal for Quality Assurance in education

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  • Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel (2009) : The Open Quality Project. Community-Based Low Cost Quality Certification In: eLearning Africa: Book of Abstracts eLearning Africa Conference 2009: Dakar, Senegal

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  • Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel (2009) : ICT Research Policies in Europe In: Adomi, Esharenana E.: Handbook of research on information communication technology policy

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  • Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel (2009): Web 2.0 – E-Learning 2.0 – Quality 2.0? Quality for new Learning Cultures. In: International Journal for Quality Assurance in education


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  • Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel (2009) : Learning Communities and Networks: Innovation and Quality for new Learningscapes In: European Distance and E-Learning Network: EDEN Conference 2009: Innovation, learning and learning innovation in Europe: Danzig. Online verfügbar unter


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  • Hahné, Susan; Wörmann Nee Marschall, Tanja; Kretzschmar, Mirjam (2009): Migrants and hepatitis B: new strategies for secondary prevention needed. In: The European Journal of Public Health (Eur J Publ Health) 19 (4). DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckp066
  • Harms, Torsten (2009) : Nonparametric Methods with Survey Data In: ISI Conference: 57th ISI Conference: 57th ISI Conference: Durban, South Africa: 16-22 August, 2009. ISI Conference

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  • Kasten, Philip; Rettig, Oliver; Loew, Markus; Wolf, Sebastian I.; Raiss, Patric (2009): Three-dimensional motion analysis of compensatory movements in patients with radioulnar synostosis performing activities of daily living. In: Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 14 (3), S. 307-312. DOI: 10.1007/s00776-009-1332-0
  • Kasten, Philip; Maier, Michael W.; Rettig, Oliver; Raiss, Patric; Wolf, Sebastian I.; Loew, Markus (2009): Proprioception in total, hemi- and reverse shoulder arthroplasty in 3D motion analyses: a prospective study. In: International orthopaedics 33 (6), S. 1641-1647. DOI: 10.1007/s00264-008-0666-0
  • Küstermann, Roland (2009): Softwareunterstützung in der Programmierausbildung. Ein holistisches Blended-Learning-Szenario. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac

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  • Le Novère, Nicolas; Hucka, Michael; Mi, Huaiyu; Moodie, Stuart; Schreiber, Falk; Sorokin, Anatoly; Demir, Emek; Wegner, Katja; Aladjem, Mirit I.; Wimalaratne, Sarala M.; Bergman, Frank T.; Gauges, Ralph; Ghazal, Peter; Kawaji, Hideya; Li, Lu; Matsuoka, Yukiko; Villéger, Alice; Boyd, Sarah E.; Calzone, Laurence; Courtot, Melanie; Dogrusoz, Ugur; Freeman, Tom C.; Funahashi, Akira; Ghosh, Samik; Jouraku, Akiya; Kim, Sohyoung; Kolpakov, Fedor; Luna, Augustin; Sahle, Sven; Schmidt, Esther; Watterson, Steven; Wu, Guanming; Goryanin, Igor; Kell, Douglas B.; Sander, Chris; Sauro, Herbert; Snoep, Jacky L.; Kohn, Kurt; Kitano, Hiroaki (2009): Erratum: The Systems Biology Graphical Notation. In: Nature Biotechnology 27 (9), S. 735-741. DOI: 10.1038/nbt0909-864d
  • Möbius, Christian (2009): Steuererträge intelligent verteilen. Interview. In: Sparbuch Magazin (1)

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  • Möbius, Christian (2009): Gedanken zur aktuellen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. Mögliche Implikationen für das duale Studium an der DHBW Karlsruhe. In: Von der Berufsakademie zur Dualen Hochschule, Festschrift, Karlsruhe, S. 116-119

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  • Möbius, Christian; Hammerschlag, Markus (2009): Innovative Lebensversicherungsprodukte.. Der Finanzkrise zum Trotz Rendite erwirtschaften? Mit Indexpolicen und Variable Annuities Renditechancen in allen Markt- und Lebensphasen nutzen. In: Versicherungswirtschaft 63 (10), S. 742-749

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  • Pohl, Philipp (2009): Ermittlung der Eigenkapitalkosten von strategischen Geschäftseinheiten - Eine Analyse im Rahmen der wertorientierten Steuerung. In: Die Betriebswirtschaft 69. Jahrgang (6), S. 741-760


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  • Pohl, Philipp; Hofmann, Annette; Nell, Martin (2009): On Monopoly Insurance Pricing when Agents Differ in Risk Aversion. In: Journal of Insurance Issues 32. Jahrgang (2), S. 133-153


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  • Pohl, Philipp (2009): Wertorientierte Steuerung von Versicherungsunternehmen mittels stochastischer Modelle. Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 2008. Karlsruhe: Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft (Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Versicherungswissenschaft der Universität Hamburg und des Vereins zur Förderung der Versicherungswissenschaft in Hamburg e.V Reihe B, Wirtschaftswissenschaft)

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  • Rettig, Oliver; Fradet, Laetitia (2009) : Conjunct and adjunct rotation in the shoulder In: European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children: ESMAC 2009: ESMAC 18th Annual Meeting in London: London, UK: 17/09/2009 to 19/09/2009

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  • Rettig, Oliver; Wolf, Sebastian I. (2009) : Conjunct and adjunct rotation in the shoulder (Vortrag) In: Shortland, Adam: 18th Annual General Meeting of European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children: ESMAC 2009: London: 17-19 September 2009. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany: Volume 30, Supplement 2. Online verfügbar unter
  • Rettig, Oliver; Fradet, Laetitia; Kasten, Philip; Raiss, Patric; Wolf, Sebastian I. (2009): A new kinematic model of the upper extremity based on functional joint parameter determination for shoulder and elbow. In: Gait & posture 30 (4), S. 469-476. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2009.07.111
  • Schamm, Thomas; Strand, Marcus; Gumpp, Thomas; Kohlhaas, Ralf; Zöllner, Johann Marius; Dillmann, Rüdiger (2009) : Vision and ToF-based driving assistance for a personal transporter In: Fraunhofer Verlag: 14th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR): München, Germany: June 22th to 26th, 2009

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  • Strand, Marcus; Dillmann, Rüdiger (2009) : Approximation and Segmentation of Objects in Pointclouds using Superquadrics In: IEEE: Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA): International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA): Zhuhai, China

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  • Strand, Marcus; Schamm, Thomas; Benazza, Ahmed; Kerscher, Thilo; Zöllner, Johann Marius; Dillmann, Rüdiger (2009) : Control of an autonomous personal transporter towards moving targets In: IEEE: Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO: IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO2009: Tokyo, Japan: November 23-25, 2009

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  • Watts, Oliver; Yamagishi, Junichi; King, Simon; Berkling, Kay (2009) : HMM adaptation and voice conversion for the synthesis of child speech: a comparison Communication Association, Brighton, United Kingdom, September 6-10, 2009 In: International Speech Communication Association: International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 10: INTERSPEECH 2009: Brighton, United Kingdom: 6-10 September 2009: ISCA (Interspeech), S. 2627-2631. Online verfügbar unter


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