DHBW AI Transfer Congress
- Datum: 11.07.2024
- Uhrzeit: 8:00 -17:30 Uhr
- Ort: DHBW Stuttgart
Exchange between researchers and practitioners
With the DHBW AI Transfer Congress, the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University wants to endeavor an ongoing exchange between researchers and practitioners to discover ideas and build cooperation to advance the use of Artificial Intelligence in all aspects of society and economy.
Talks, workshops, poster presentations and networking opportunities generally focus on various aspects related to Artificial Intelligence.
The conference addresses scientists as well as practitioners. The conference session focusses on current research in AI with a special focus on applications. The workshop session discusses use cases, success stories of AI in industry, discussions of responsible AI as well as networking between science, economy, industry and society.
Further information: www.dhbw.de/ai-congress
Rückfragen zum Kongress werden unter ai-congress@dhbw.de beantwortet