
Welcome to one of the sunniest towns in Germany: KARLSRUHE

Karlsruhe will make the hearts of all culture lovers beat faster: over 50 museums, theatres and galleries in Karlsruhe are waiting to be visited. As one of the warmest and sunniest towns in Germany, the Mediterranean flair entices locals and guests to enjoy mild summer evenings in the restaurants of the lively squares around the city centre.

Come and enjoy numerous open air events and leisure opportunities and take the chance to travel around, e. g., to the beautiful Black Forest or even Paris, which is only 2.5 hours away from Karlsruhe by train.


The City

Karlsruhe is one of the leading IT locations in Europe and it's part of the leading federal IT cluster. The growing market for services in this sector offers businesses good perspectives for future growth.

Besides the IT sector, Karls­ru­he’s economy benefits from its proximity to research through an intensive transfer of knowledge and technologies, as well as a trained and skilled workforce. A close colla­bo­ra­tion with local universities gives rise to projects and coope­ra­tion which bring benefits to all partners involved. They’re also an important prere­qui­site for inter­na­tio­nal compe­ti­tiven­ess. That’s why inter­chan­ges between research, education and the business world are particularly supported.

All in all, Karlsruhe offers solid oppor­tu­ni­ties for skilled workers and executives. The city and the Techno­lo­gie­Re­gion (tech­no­logy region) are characterized by a high density of businesses in the science and technology sectors. Solid growth, attractive jobs with high wage and salary levels and excellent career oppor­tu­ni­ties offer skilled workers the oppor­tu­nity to come aboard. Additio­nally, Karlsruhe is a good place not only to work, but also to live.