10 Gb/sec Internet connection
The DHBW Karlsruhe has a fibre-optic connection directly via KIT in the 100 Gb/s backbone of the BelWü with high-performance peerings to the Internet at its disposal. The expansion of our capacities to 10 Gb/sec could be concluded in 2017 and provides an exceptionally good basic infrastructure, also in the field for Universities of Applied Sciences, for the fulfilment of teaching, lecturing and research tasks.
The reliable provision of this bandwidth alone requires an enormous financial expenditure. The infrastructure is operated and Supported by the laboratories of the Computer Science programme and its members of staff.
WLAN access
The DHBW Karlsruhe makes a powerful WLAN infrastructure available. This is intended to enable mobile users to work on the servers for lecturing, teaching & research and on the Internet. Currently there are a series of WLAN networks at DHBW Karlsruhe. The most important are:
WLAN DHBW-KA is encrypted and is only available at DHBW Karlsruhe. Users will be authenticated in the teaching domain of dh-karlsruhe.de. The WLAN of choice for all students and for assigned lecturers with account. Additional information Can be found here.
eduroam is available for you at many *educational institutions worldwide* and also in parts of Karlsruhe city centre. The set up for this WLAN is largely identical to DHBW-KA. Guests from other universities or institutions can use eduroam with their home account, when their university supports this. Details about the eduroam set up can be found here (English version).
KA-WLAN is a free Internet service for Karlsruhe which is available at numerous public locations in the city, among others at the DHBW Karlsruhe, HsKA, KIT, PH and in large parts of Karlsruhe's city centre as well as at the main railway station and in Durlach (for details, refer to https://www.ka-wlan.de/img/karte-ka-gross.jpg). The unencrypted KA-WLAN works directly without registration, encrypted access is also possible after registration. For guests of the DHBW Karlsruhe, this is the solution of choice. Additional information can be found at https://www.ka-wlan.de/info.html.
Erzbergerstraße 121, Computer Science Laboratory, Building Part E, 3rd Floor