Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers
Professor Fakultät Wirtschaft
Blücherstraße 17a, Raum P2.001
- Telefon:
- +49.721.9735-966
- E-Mail:
- ulf-daniel.ehlers
(2020) : Grand Challenge: Open Educational Practices Focusing on Future Skills. [Conference Session] In: European Distance and E-Learning Network: 11th EDEN Research Workshop: Enhancing the Human Experience of Learning with Technology: New Challenges for Research in Digital, Open, Distance & Networked Education: Lisbon, Portugal: 21-23 October 2020: 3 (RE@D - Revista de Educação a Distância e eLearning)
(2020): „Gigantisches Experiment“.. Einblicke in Leben, Lernen und Lehre in Karlsruhe während der Corona-Krise. Podcast ergründet Umgang mit der Krise. In: DER SONNTAG 23 (3. Mai 2020). Online verfügbar unter
: Neuer Podcast „Studium im Shutdown“ sammelt Erfahrungen für Forschungszwecke. Unter Mitarbeit von Ulf-Daniel Ehlers und Laura Eigbrecht. In: Campus & Karriere. Online verfügbar unter
(2020): Karlsruher Studierende erforschen künstliche Intelligenz. SWR Aktuell Baden-Württemberg. Sendung 19:30 Uhr vom 7.7.2020 Nachrichtensprecher Georg Bruder (SWR Aktuell), 2020. Online verfügbar unter
(2019) : Learning Spaces and Places of Digital and Networked Society In: IEEE: 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT): Proceedings: 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies: Maceió, Brazil: July 15-18, 2019, S. 29-33
(2019) : A New Framework for Professional Higher Education: Creating Synergie between Theory and Practice.. The case of Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University In: International Association of Sustainable Globalization: Proceedings of International Association of Sustainable Globalization: 2nd International Conference: Kerala, India: 10th– 13th January, 2019
(2019) : Future Skills and the Future of Higher Education In: International Council for Open and Distance Education: Conference Proceedings: Volume 1: Full Papers 2020: 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning: Dublin, Ireland: 3-7 November 2019, S. 193-207
(2019) : Future Skills und Hochschulbildung – Future Skills Readiness In: Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft: Teilhabe in der digitalen Bildungswelt. Unter Mitarbeit von Jörg Hafer, Martina Mauch und Marlen Schumann: 27. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft e.V. “Teilhabe an Bildung und Wissenschaft”: Berlin: 16.09. - 19.09.2019: Münster; New York: Waxmann (Medien in der Wissenschaft), S. 37-48
(2019): When is Open and Online Learning Relevant for Curriculum Change in Higher Education? Digital and Network Society Perspective. In: Electronic Journal of E-Learning 18 (1), S. 88-101. DOI: 10.34190/EJEL.
(2018) : On ethical leadership and education In: Asia-Europe Foundation: Proceedings of the Conference of Asia-European Foundation “Young Leaders Summit – Ethical Leadership”: Representing Young Leaders of the3rdASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS3) on“Ethical Leadership” in conjunction with the 12thASEM Summit(ASEM12): Brussels,Belgium: 18-19 October 2018
(2018) : On ethical leadership and education In: ASEF Young Leaders Summit: Proceedings of the Conference of Asia-European Foundation “Young Leaders Summit – Ethical Leadership”: 3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS3): Brussels, Belgium: 15-19 October 2018
(2018) : Open education practices in higher education. Towards personalized guidance and support for learning In: Duart, Josep M.; Szűcs, András (Hg.): Conference Proceedings: Towards Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning: 10th EDEN Research workshops: Barcelona, Spain: 24-26 October 2018. European Distance and E-Learning Network
(2018) : Characteristics of digital and network society: emerging places and spaces of learning In: European Distance and E-Learning Network: Exploring the micro, meso and macro: Navigating between dimensions in the digital learning landscape: 27th annual conference: Exploring the micro, meso and macro: Navigating between dimensions in the digital learning landscape: Genova, Italia: 17-20 June 2018
(2018) : Characteristics of digital and network society: emerging places and spaces of learning In: Volungevičienė, Airina; Szűcs, András (Hg.): Exploring the Micro, Meso and Macro: Navigating between dimensions in the digital learning landscape: Book of Abstracts: EDEN 2018Annual Conference: Genoa,Italy: 17-20June 2018. European Distance and E-Learning Network
(2018) : Das Projekt „eCampus“ – standortübergreifende Kooperationen in der digitalen Lehre In: Ternes, Doris; Schnekenburger, Carsten (Hg.): Band 2: E-Learning-Erfahrungen und -Strukturen, 2 (Schriftenreihe #DUAL), S. 13-21. Online verfügbar unter